On NaNoWriMo

Probably as some repressed form of protest, I cleaned the windows on the lower floor of my house instead of writing even one word on the first day of NaNoWriMo 2018. And yet, the day before (on October 31), I felt ready to begin, in earnest, the very next morning. With the looming, I mean […]

A Frustrated American ~ and My Freedom of Speech

Maybe not the biggest problem, it would seem these days, but one really big problem that we face is the ease (read: need to self-preserve some sense of sanity) in which we fall into a sense of complacency due to the fact that every day we see, read and hear (no matter how we may […]

Timelessness— Fear & Freedom

We think in terms of time— Always and forever. This minute and for twenty-four hours of the day. In the past, too. We ask ‘how much time do we have?’ ‘how long will it take?’ and the simplest, ‘what time is it, now?’ We act based on the structure of time— ‘a 9 A.M. meeting,’ ‘next month’s re-inspection […]

Cornered, I let my arms drop…

Cornered, I let my bare arms drop to my sides. He leans in close with his pasty white, sweaty face. I smell the sickly sweet stench of his rancid breath as he hovers within an inch of my eyebrows. He reaches for my neck, but I crouch down and squeeze past him, my legs scraping […]


Writing by Marnie Mitchell

DoubleU = W


Keep Calm, and Have a Hot One

Navigating the post-collegiate world with nerves and a cup of tea.

Poetically Enhanced Entropy

Musings and masterpieces, maybe, on art, lit and life

WordPress.com News

The latest news on WordPress.com and the WordPress community.